Chaplain Jason Dong, Oregon Army National Guard, Kosovo

Dear Friends,
“At least it wasn’t a person”. Those were the kind words of a Kosovo Serbian living in Southern Kosovo after a U.S. patrol accidentally ran over and killed one of her chickens that wandered into the road. I had the privilege of joining the mission to replace her chicken. It was an adventure buying another chicken and trying to remember the exact location of the “scene of the crime”. We eventually found her house and surprised her with a beautiful laying hen. The gesture meant the world to her and she invited our team to have drinks and snacks in her humble countryside home. This reminded me of the saying, “keep short accounts” and how going out of one’s way to make things right can build strong bridges.
COVID restrictions have eased up a bit for KFOR (Kosovo Force) so our Unit Ministry Team was able to attend a few events in the last two weeks. We had a visit with another Serbian Orthodox Priest in a town in the most Northern part of Kosovo.

We also attended a prayer breakfast on 9/11 at one of our camps. The keynote speaker was KFOR Chief of Staff Brigadier General Larry Henry. He gave an encouraging and powerful testimony to God and his Word. Finally, we were able to have a meeting with the KFOR Commander Major General Michele Risi (Italy). He was very interested in how the U.S. Army chaplaincy functioned and was very supportive of our role in caring for Soldiers.
Praises/thanks: 1) Easing COVID restrictions 2) Words and testimony of BG Henry 3) Continued opportunities in ministry 4) Good health 5) God’s continued provision

Prayer requests: 1) Diligence in finishing strong 2) Wisdom/guidance in preparing Soldiers for transition back home 3) Holy Spirit’s work through chapels and Bible studies 4) Good health 5) Peace and protection for family back home
Quote of the Week: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” –Ephesians 2:8-9
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement! Have a blessed week!
Sincerely in Christ,
Jason Alan Dong
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