Guard chaplain supports peacekeepers in Kosovo
By Chaplain Jason Dong, Oregon Army National Guard, Deployed
Greetings from Kosovo! I hope this finds you in peace and good health. We arrived in Kosovo five days ago. Unfortunately, I’ve already become quite sick as the poor air quality reignited by chronic sinusitis into an infection. Due to the coronavirus precautions I was put on quarantine for 48 hours just in case to make sure I don’t develop signs (i.e. fever or dry cough).

So much has happened since the last update. We finished our training in Germany. I held two chapel services (chapel pics) there and we completed a 5-day exercise in “the field.” At the end of our three weeks there we were given a one-day pass to visit the surrounding area and I chose to visit the town of Regensburg (Regensburg/St. Peter’s pics). It was established in 179 A.D. by the Romans and there was so much history to explore.

Before being quarantined I was able to tour our area of responsibility for this NATO mission (KFOR27). It is a beautiful country, but sadly the effects of war are still visible in many forms. (I will provide some pics in the next update.) We met our interpreter Ivan, a Serbian, who is my age and lives in Northern Kosovo. The mission of our task force of 227 soldiers is to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for the people of Kosovo. My primary responsibility is to provide spiritual support to these U.S. soldiers. However, I will have the ability to meet with local religious leaders to encourage dialogue and peace.

Praises/thanks: 1) We finally made it to Kosovo! 2) God’s continued provision 3) Turned 44 while in Germany 4) interactions with soldiers
Prayer requests: 1) Healing of sinus infection 2) Open hearts of Soldiers 3) Preparation for weekly service (two each Sunday) 4) Preparation for two weekly Bible studies 5) Safety and protection for all during this mission
Quote of the Week: “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.” –John 4:23
May the peace of Christ dwell richly in your hearts this week.
Sincerely in Christ,
Jason Alan Dong
Join me is asking God’s direction and sustaining care for CH Dong and his peacekeeping Soldiers and their separated families back home. While you’re at it, pray for the other 200 CBAmerica providing ministry of comfort and calm across the US and around the world, during the COVID-19 outbreak.
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