Directly affiliated ministries of Venture Church Network

WorldVenture is a mission network of passionate people connected in the common cause of seeing the Great Commission fulfilled, by sending Christian workers into over 70 countries throughout the world.

Missions Door exists to assist local churches and Christ-followers in their efforts to evangelize, disciple, and plant churches among the unreached of our world.

VENTURE CHURCH NETWORK is a member of the CB GLOBAL NETWORK, which has member countries around the world. CB Global is a network of church associations cooperating together to strengthen each other in fulfilling the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Venture Church Network has had a special and long-term relationship with Western Seminary for over 75 years. The heart of our partnership has continued to further a common purpose of providing theological education and advanced training for training pastors, counselors and related ministry leaders (whether vocational, bi-vocational, or avocational). Western’s vision is to be an educational community that promotes gospel-centered transformation in every aspect of a student’s life and work. Western Seminary serves as a catalyst and resource for spiritual transformation by working with and for the church to equip men and women for strategic ministry roles.
Along with its in-person offerings through its Portland, OR campus, Western also offers global distance learning, and in alignment with their mission “with and for the church,” they have partnered with churches around the nation to offer local cohorts. Cohorts allow a small group of students, often fellow ministry leaders, to journey through their program together from start to finish.
Students who are not only on staff, but active members of a VCN church are eligible for a generous grant of 25% reduction in tuition. Contact the Financial Aid Office for details. If you are considering a master’s or doctoral program, we strongly encourage you to consider Western Seminary.

Venture Church Network is excited to announce a new partnership between VCN and Denver Seminary. Founded in 1950 by the Conservative Baptist Association (Now VCN), the school was initially called the Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary before changing its name to Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary in 1982. In 1988, it changed its name to Denver Seminary, reflecting its appeal to students from a wide variety of denominations and its embrace of a nondenominational identity. The school is based in Littleton, Colo. Denver Seminary identifies as an “evangelical” school and as multi denominational, enrolling 900 students from more than 50 denominations. A grant of 25% reduction in tuition costs are available for VCN members. This includes master's and doctoral-level courses. We are thankful for this renewed partnership.
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Corban University is a liberal arts university whose mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ!
Venture Church Network has partnered with Corban University to offer employees of a VCN church a 20% graduate tuition discount.

Cedarville University, an exceptional Christian university is located in southwest Ohio. As one of the top Christian colleges in the Midwest, Cedarville University attracts 5,082 undergraduate, graduate, and dual enrolled high school students to more than 175 areas of study.
Venture Church Network has partnered with Cedarville University to offer employees and members of a VCN church a 15% graduate tuition discount.

Church Hope’s primary mode of ministry is to provide coverage for the local pastor who takes a sabbatical. They will offer to serve in any role the pastor sees as helpful while the pastor is away on sabbatical: preaching, coaching the board and/or any staff, encouraging congregation members, etc.

Preparing for the Future of Your Church – Interim Pastor Ministries provides temporary pastors to strengthen churches during pastoral transition for greater effectiveness.