Chaplain Reflects on Blessings and Challenges
By Chaplain Roy Fondren, USN/USMC, Okinawa
Greatest blessing of quarter…
There are many; but I’ll zone in on one. As a former Marine Infantry Officer, being in the urban training areas/field is what we do! And the ultimate auditor of a Marine’s fitness (Tactical, Physical, Emotional) is war!
And as a Chaplain, I recall Moses in Exodus 17 being overhead praying; interceding while his people were in battle below. A few weeks ago, my Marines were in the field training and one Marine was sighting in a Machine Gun. With my “Sword” on me, I laid next to him and began praying over my Marines with my Bible Open… Unknowingly, a picture was taken, and it literally went “Viral” on Social Media.

For me, the glory of the matter is my Marines have heard me say time and time again the ultimate auditor of life on this side and the next is our Spiritual Fitness. And for my Marines and the thousands that have seen and or shared the image, I pray they know 1) A Chaplain stands in the gap prayerfully, and 2) The God of this world has died and rose for them, and 3) They have been purposed for a heavenly existence.

It’s surreal to be a Chaplain. To be paid to do what I’d do for free…so that some may come to know Christ! Please keep praying for Kingdom opportunities to avail. My son, Nate, recently pinned my Fleet Marine Forces Pin which was a TREMENDOUSLY emotional honor! The kid is AMAZING! He just shared Jesus with a female peer last night…the guy has a GREAT CALLING on his life!
Biggest challenge…prayer request: …the spirit of resilience. I have been told twice in the last few months of rape/sexual assault within the ranks. As one who doesn’t hide emotions well, I find myself frozen in anger… not as productive at initial onset. I ask for the spirit of resilience and calm amid injustice.
Join me in praying for ministry opportunities like the ones described by Chaplain Fondren; for eyes to see and ears to detect the needs of the moment…and respond appropriately. For more stories by and about CBAmerica’s 199 other chaplains, log on to To learn more about what’s involved in endorsement for a wide variety of chaplain specialties, email Andy Meverden, director of chaplaincy at
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