Update: Long Distance Hiker Chaplain takes a Lunch Break with High Schoolers

Update: Long Distance Hiker Chaplain takes a Lunch Break with High Schoolers
By Dennis Newton, Chaplain & Coordinator Appalachian Long Distance Hikers


Thanks for the encouragement. I had a great time today feeding hikers hot dogs and sodas. A Christian High School Summer Hiking Camp came in and I got to invite them over for lunch and we spent an hour with my team talking hiking with the kids. I got to talk with the leaders about how it was going for the kids. Great kids and good leaders. This camp’s message seemed aim at raising them in Christ in a way that will be remembered.

All for now,


PS: Join us in praying for Chaplain Newton’s varied ministry on the trail, in the church, and in national Veterans service organizations (MOAA, etc.). After a career as an Army chaplain, Dennis has reimagined his post-military career into a meaningful and effective ministry venture.

For more stories by and about Venture Churches’ chaplaincy opportunities, military and civilian, visit https://venturechurches.org/category/chaplaincy/. For information on endorsement, email Randy Brandt, Director, at r.brandt@venturechurches.org.

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