By Andy Meverden with updates from Chaplains, Colonel (Retired) Bob Hicks & Wylie Johnson
One of my continuing duties as Associate Director of Chaplaincy is to scan chaplain reports and correspondence for stories to post on our webpage. Serving a network of humble and busy chaplains, it’s often a challenge to get them to tell their faithful, fruitful and often amazing stories, especially with illustrative photos. The following two emails recently appeared in our inbox ready to share:
Retired Air Force Chaplain Bob Hicks wrote:
Hey guys, last week I spoke at the Veterans Day in Emporia, Kansas. Since I am a graduate of Emporia State University, and retired USAF chaplain, I was asked to speak by a person in my alumni association.

Emporia is the founding city for Veterans Day which most people know very little about. FYI, I have attached a couple of photos of me speaking plus the printed program. On the back of the program you will see the history of this event, which was the first city to call, Armistice Day, Veteran’s Day.
Hope you both are doing well and staying healthy.
Bob Hicks
Ch, Col. USAF, Retired
Not to be left in the contrails of the Air Force, Retired Army Chaplain Wylie Johnson reported on a special Veterans Day Sunday preaching assignment, requested by a member church in Pennsylvania:
Randy & Andy

I arrived at First Baptist Mifflintown, PA on Saturday evening. It was about a 2.5-hour drive over state highways through the mountains – very scenic. The church is a few hundred yards down the highway. I taught a Sunday School lesson about various Chaplaincies with emphasis upon the military, but including the wide range covered by the CBAmerica.
For worship (in uniform), I spoke from the text Psalm 33:11-12 “Blessed Is The Nation.” At the conclusion I gave a strong invitation and about 6 individuals of various ages raised their hands for having prayed the sinner’s prayer. The congregation was exceptionally appreciative and supportive. Pastor Ron Shupe is a congenial host. 10 members of the congregation took me to lunch and then I departed.

Tuesday, 11/10 – The VA head here in Carbon County PA arranged a small ceremony in the center of Jim Thorpe, across from the county offices. I was surprised and pleased to find that retired Sergeant Major of the Army Dan Daily was the featured speaker. I brought the Invocation in uniform (photo). The entire event last a bit more than 30 minutes.
W. (Wylie Johnson)
CH(COL) USA, Retired
Law Enforcement Chaplain
Join me in thanking God for retired chaplains like Bob Hicks and Wylie Johnson, who continue to serve in their communities and circles of influence. Their recognized godly wisdom, ministry experience and Gospel message continues to build the Kingdom of God.
For more stories by and about CBAmerica’s 200 chaplains, younger and older, visit Chaplaincy – CBAmerica. For information on chaplain endorsement, email Randy Brandt, Director, at
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