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  Hey Venture Church Network. In our last video, we talked about prayer and the importance of being desperate. Paul Miller in his book, the Praying Life, says prayer is…

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Helplessness and Prayer

  These continue to be challenging days in which to do ministry. What Iā€™d like to know is ā€“ are you overwhelmed right now? I remember early on in my…

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Measuring Results

If thereā€™s anything these last couple of years has forced us to do, itā€™s to evaluate. What is ministry all about? What results should we be looking at when weā€™re…

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Happy New Year from Venture Church Network!

happy new year

  As we enter 2022, I think we can all agree that we have no idea what to expect. But here’s what we can rely on — our un-changing God.…

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Jesus, My Ever-Present Comfort

Are you a pastor in need of advent messages? Use ours for free! Advent 1 Advent 2 Advent 3 Candle #4: Jesus, My Ever-Present Comfort The Prophet Jeremiah wrote a…

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Jesus, the Life

Are you a pastor in need of advent messages? Use ours for free! Advent 1 Advent 2 Candle #3: Jesus, the Life At this point of our Advent readings, weā€™ve…

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Jesus, the Light of the World

Are you a pastor in need of advent messages? Use ours for free! Advent 1 Candle #2: Jesus, the Light of the World Last week in our first Advent reading,…

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Jesus, the Longing of My Heart


Are you a pastor in need of advent messages? Use ours for free! Candle #1: ā€œJesus, the Longing of my Heart?ā€ This is the season of Advent. Advent means coming.…

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Happy Thanksgiving from Venture Church Network!

  2021 has not been an easy year for ministers to navigate. But I’m in awe of the way I’ve watched you do it. I can honestly say I have…

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Encourage One Another

Hey Venture Church Network. Iā€™m up at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin at a pastorā€™s gathering of our Midwest VCN region. Itā€™s a beautiful spot, beautiful spot, wish you could be here.…

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